los mejores colegios en santa marta
English/Santa Marta

The Best Schools in Santa Marta

Find the list of the best schools in Santa Marta.

Santa Marta has a wide variety of private schools A and B calendar. Below we present the list of schools in Santa Marta with their location, monthly or pension prices, religious orientation, languages, among other information.

The values of the monthly payments or pensions of the schools in Santa Marta are approximate, these change every year and depend on the grade that the student is studying. Generally, the higher the degree, the lower the value to pay. The first year of college is usually the most expensive. Take into account in your budget that you must pay a tuition at the beginning of each school year and you must add the cost of uniforms, supplies, books, snacks and transportation.

Schools Calendar B of Santa Marta

List of the best calendar B schools in Santa Marta.

Bureche School

Boys and girls school
Bilingual: Spanish, English
Monthly approx: 2 million and up
Km 2 Troncal del Caribe via Gaira

Bilingüe de Santa Marta School

Boys and girls school
Bilingual: Spanish, English
Monthly approx: 2 million and up
Troncal del Caribe Urb. San Francisco Santa Marta

Schools Calendar A of Santa Marta

List of the best calendar A schools in Santa Marta.

IDPHU Campestre Bilingüe Santa Marta School

Boys and girls school
Spanish, English and French
Calle 26 No. 12-84 Bavaria – Santa Marta

Los Manglares School

Boys and girls school
Spanish English
Carrera 3A No 26-168 | Playa Salguero – Santa Marta

Bilingüe Cristiano, Zoe School

Boys and girls school
Spanish English
Cra 5A No. 25-83, El Rodadero

Cristiano la Esperanza School

Boys and girls school
Carrera 2 N. 24-56 B Bella Vista Santa Marta

La Presentación School

Boys and girls school
Cra 3 # 23 – 13, Santa Marta

Divino Nino School

Preschool and mixed primary – Baccalaureate only girls (transition)
Cra 20 A 22-36 Santa Marta

Diocesano San José de Ciénaga School

Boys and girls school
Avenida del Libertador No. 16-40 Santa Marta

Francisco de San Luis Beltrán School

Boys and girls school
Av Libertador Diag 30 Transv 14 #22 – 69 Santa Marta

Instituto Ebenezer Santa Marta

Boys and girls school
Calle 30 Mz 45 Casa 8 Santa Marta

We were missing a school in Santa Marta to add to the list, or we need to update a monthly price for a school, please contact us.

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