The Best Universities in Cartagena
Cartagena is home to several high-quality universities. We provide you with the list of the best public and private universities in Cartagena. Cartagena’s universities offer something for everyone, so if you are looking for a quality higher education in this vibrant and historic city, you need look no further.
The best universities in Cartagena are:
University of Cartagena
Public Higher Education Institution and first Institutionally Accredited University in the Caribbean region, founded in 1827. First Colombian Public University with International Institutional Accreditation. The University of Cartagena offers 31 University Degrees.
- Administration and Public Administration
- Biological Sciences
- Social Sciences and Humanities
- Communication, Journalism, Information Sciences
- Accountancy
- Law
- Education and Pedagogy
- Physics and chemistry
- History and geography
- Hospitality, Gastronomy and Tourism
- Languages
- Engineering and Technology
- Language and literature
- Mathematics, Economics and Finance
- Health and Medicine
Website: https://www.unicartagena.edu.co/
Tecnológica de Bolívar University
Technological University of Bolívar, a private higher education institution with high quality accreditation in Cartagena.
- Business Administration
- International Trade
- Public accounting
- Law
- Engineering in ecology and environment
- Systems engineer
- Electronic Engineering
- Commercial engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Psychology
- Communication and Digital Technologies
- Turism and hotelery
- Marketing And Commercial Management
- Sales and Marketing
Website: https://www.utb.edu.co/
Jorge Tadeo Lozano University – Cartagena
The Fundación Universidad de Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano is an academic community recognized for its teaching, research and creation activities in different fields of science and the arts.
Website: https://www.utadeo.edu.co/es
Sel Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm University , Cartagena
Founded in 1974, the Universidad del Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm is a private higher education institution with offices in Montería, Cartagena and Bogotá, where integral professionals are trained through the conservation, transmission and development of science and culture in search of the truth and generation of knowledge.
Website: https://www.unisinucartagena.edu.co/
Libre University- Cartagena
The Libre University is a private education corporation, which strives for the permanent construction of a better country and a democratic, pluralistic and tolerant society, and promotes sustainable development, enlightened by the philosophical and ethical principles of its founder, with leadership in research, science, technology and peaceful conflict resolution processes.
- Law school
- Business Administration
- Public accounting
Website: https://www.unilibre.edu.co/cartagena/
Antonio Nariño University — Sede Cartagena
The Antonio Nariño UAN University is a higher education institution committed to the development of the country and the region, it offers a complete academic structure along with a broad portfolio of academic programs in 8 areas of knowledge in undergraduate and postgraduate programs in face-to-face modalities, remote and virtual.
Website: https://www.uan.edu.co/cartagena
San Buenaventura University(Cartagena)
The University of San Buenaventura has 6 faculties and 17 undergraduate programs, designed for the professional of the future, critical of their reality, committed to society and an agent of change, who seeks to fulfill their dreams in a University with high academic and humanistic quality. .
Website: https://usbcartagena.edu.co/
If we should add any other University of Cartagena, write to us.
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