The best dermatologists in Cartagena
In Cartagena you will find dermatologists with extensive experience who can help you with your skin problems. The best dermatologists in Cartagena should be consulted to maintain the health of the skin, hair and nails. Cartagena is a popular destination for medical tourism, as it has a number of expert dermatologists who offer high-quality and affordable services.
If you have a skin problem that isn’t getting better, it’s time to see a dermatologist. A consultation with a dermatologist can provide you with the care and treatment you need to improve the condition of your skin, nails, and hair.
Below we present the best dermatologists in Cartagena.
Dr. Rodrígo José Vélez Bustillo

Dermaskin is a Dermatology and Aesthetic Clinic in Cartagena led by dermatologist Rodrigo José Vélez Bustillo, who is a surgeon specializing in surgical, clinical, and cosmetic dermatology. He has more than 33 years of work experience and is a member of the Colombian Society of Dermatology and the Ibero Latin American College of Dermatology.
Read more: https://medicosdoc.com/en/doctor-profile/6081/rodrigo-jose-velez-bustillo/aesthetic-medicine-cartagena-dermatologist-cartagena-health-spa-cartagena
All of these are renowned dermatologists in Cartagena, Colombia who can provide you with the best care for any of your skin health needs. Be sure to book an appointment with any of these professionals to ensure the best results.
What can I expect during my appointment with a dermatologist in Cartagena?
A dermatological consultation begins by preparing the patient’s medical history, this includes everything related to family history, diseases that are suffered, medications that are being taken or for topical use, etc. A physical examination of the skin is also done. Based on this information, a treatment plan is developed. Diagnostic aids or specialized tests may be necessary, if the case requires it.
How much does a consultation with a dermatologist in Cartagena cost?
The cost of an appointment with a dermatologist in Cartagena will depend on the type of treatment sought and the specific clinic or doctor chosen. In general terms, a consultation with a dermatologist can be between $100,000 and $200,000 pesos.
Schedule your appointment with the best dermatologists in Cartagena
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