Travel from Barranquilla to Cartagena, everything you need to know
If you need to travel from Barranquilla to Cartagena, below we present the best transportation options, and prices and answer frequently asked questions to go from Barranquilla to Cartagena.
What is the best way to travel from Barranquilla to Cartagena?
To travel from Barranquilla to Cartagena, you can choose among the possible options, according to your budget and preferences in terms of shorter routes, flexibility, and explore at your own pace.
These are some of the options that exist to go from Barranquilla to Cartagena:
1. Private car: renting a car allows you the flexibility to go at your own pace and schedule. It is the most expensive option since you must pay the cost of rent, gas, and two tolls See where to rent cars
2. Door door (Puerta a Puerta): This modality offers the service of picking up the passenger at home, or at the company station. You travel in a Vans along the Vía al Mar, which is a direct and safe route. The best-known companies are Marsol and Berlitur.
- MARSOL: They leave from Monday to Saturday every 1 hour from 5:00 to 07:00 PM, Sundays and holidays from 06:00 am. The trip takes 2 hours. They start picking up passengers 1 hour before the time of the trip. The indicated value only covers a single journey. The vehicles are Mercedes Benz Sprinter and have air conditioning, reclining seats, monitor, and radio. The van has a capacity of 14 passengers. They are located at Calle 93 No. 47-13. Customer service lines: 605 369 0999 – 605 369 4460 Whatsapp: +57 (319) 760-1810. http://www.marsol.com.co/home
They offer the following services:
DOOR-ROUTE: $40,000. They pick you up in Barranquilla at your home or hotel (if it is within the coverage area), and in Cartagena, they follow a pre-established route (On the Via al Mar until they reach the office located in Barrio el Cabrero CRA 2A #43-111). You can get off anywhere the van passes or stay at the Cartegana office and take a taxi from there. The driver will advise you where the most convenient point is.
ROUTE-ROUTE: $35,000 you arrive at the office in Barranquilla located at Calle 93 # 47-13 and they leave you at the office in Cartagena (Barrio el Cabrero CRA 2A # 43-111 ) or on the road where the van passes.
CARTAGENA AIRPORT: $40,000 without pick-up and $45,000 with a pick-up. The van drops you off at the Cartagena airport.
- BERLITUR: They leave every hour from 6 am to 6 pm. It has a cost of $35,000 to $40,000 each way. The vehicles are vans and have air conditioning, reclining chairs, monitor, and radio. The van has a capacity of 18 passengers. They are located on Calle 93 No. 46-136 where they have a terminal to board and they leave you at the Cartagena terminal. https://berlitur.com/
3. Taxi: The taxi stations also provide the transfer service to Cartagena with an approximate cost of $300,000 pesos. It is a good alternative if you want to travel in a private service.
4. Uber, Didi, and other apps: A ride with the apps can be around $280,000 pesos.
5. Intermunicipal buses: It is the cheapest option to take a bus at the Soledad transport terminal. Cra. 14 No. 54-186. The value of transportation to Barranquilla Cartagena in Expreso Brasilia is $30,000, duration of 2 hours and a half. https://www.expresobrasilia.com/.
6. Renting private transportatrion
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What is the distance between Barranquilla and Cartagena?
The distance between Barranquilla and Cartagena is approximately 120 kilometers.
How much does it cost to go from Barranquilla to Cartagena in 2024?
The cost of going from Barranquilla to Cartagena is subject to the means of transportation chosen.
How much does it cost to go by bus from Barranquilla to Cartagena in 2024?
A bus ticket costs $35,000 from the Soledad transport terminal.
How much does it cost to go by taxi from Barranquilla to Cartagena in 2024?
A taxi will be more expensive around $300,000
How much does it cost to go by car from Barranquilla to Cartagena in 2024?
Renting a car for the trip will cost around $250,000. Gasoline approximately $120,000 depending on the car’s engine and you spend $37,300 on tolls.
How much is the puerta a puerta (door-to-door) from Barranquilla to Cartagena 2024?
With Berlineas, the door-to-door service from Barranquilla to Cartagena costs between $35,000 and $40,000 each way. With Marsol, the door-to-door service from Barranquilla to Cartagena costs:
DOOR-ROUTE: $40,000. (Pick up in Barranquilla at your home or hotel and drop off in Cartagena).
ROUTE-ROUTE: $35,000 you arrive at the office in Barranquilla and they leave you in Cartagena.
CARTAGENA AIRPORT: $40,000 without pick-up and $45,000 with a pick-up.
How many tolls are there from Barranquilla to Cartagena?
There are a total of 2 tolls from Barranquilla to Cartagena on the Via al Mar.
- Puerto Colombia toll: $18,000
- Marahuaco toll: $19,300
Tip on tolls. The payment of these tolls entitles the driver to receive assistance at no cost, in case the car presents any damage (the engine doesn’t start, flat tire) that does not allow him to continue his trip. On the receipt that they gave you at the toll, you will find an emergency number that you can call and they will assist you at no cost.
There are a total of 2 tolls from Barranquilla to Cartagena through the Circunvalar de la Prosperidad.
What time do buses, or door-to-door leave from Barranquilla to Cartagena?
From 2:30 am you find buses that travel to Cartagena. Door to door starts at 6 am. They usually leave when they are full, which can be from early morning to late afternoon. It is best to check with the company you plan to travel with for their schedule.
Where is the Barranquilla transportation terminal?
The Barranquilla transportation terminal is located at Cra. 14 No. 54-186 in Soledad.
Which route do you go from Barranquilla to Cartagena?
The fastest route is the Via al Mar. Travel time is 1.5 to 2 hours. The advantages are that there are no buses or trucks on this road. It is very well maintained and lit. The dual carriageway advances rapidly. This is the road taken by private cars, door-to-door services, and taxis.
There are other routes that are by Troncal del Caribe via cordiality. This is the route taken by the large buses from the transport terminal with a duration of 2:30 to 3 hours.
What do I find on the way from Barranquilla to Cartagena?
The road from Barranquilla to Cartagena is mostly flat with some rolling hills. There are some small towns along the way. You will find tolls, gas stations, and small food stations such as fruits, eggs, juices, and egg arepas which are small businesses in the towns that are on the road.
What tourist sites can I find between Barranquilla and Cartagena?
There are some tourist sites between Barranquilla and Cartagena.
- The most popular is El Totumo Volcano. It is a mud volcano that is considered curative due to the number of minerals that make it up. It is an interesting experience to enjoy the mud bath and the landscape of the surrounding lagoon.
- Salinas de Galerazamba with a beautiful and colorful pink sea.
- El sombrero vueltiao Tourist Parador: In its restaurant, you can enjoy the typical coastal food and buy handicrafts from the region.
- Beaches such as Turipaná, Juan de Acosta, Santa Verónica, Palmarito, Playa Mendoza. See list of beaches in Barranquilla and best beaches in Cartagena.
Are there public restrooms on the Barranquilla – Cartagena road?
If you are traveling along the Via al Mar at both tolls you will find public restrooms. In addition, in the tourist hostel El Sombrero Vueltio there are also bathrooms.
If you have any other questions to travel from Barranquilla to Cartagena, write to us, and we will solve all your doubts.
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