Top Universities in Barranquilla
There is a wide offer of Universities in Barranquilla. We list the best Universities in Barranquilla and its surroundings.
Universidad del Norte
The Fundación Universidad del Norte, located at kilometer 5 Vía Puerto Colombia, is a private institution of higher education. It offers high-quality undergraduate and graduate programs, with national and international teachers, diplomas, and courses. It has a wide variety of careers such as business administration, engineering (system, industrial mechanics, civil), medicine, architecture, law, social communication, psychology, accounting, and graphic and industrial design, among others.
Website: https://www.uninorte.edu.co/
Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
A University of higher education is located in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia. It offers an educational offer for undergraduates, postgraduates, and courses. It stands out with careers in architecture, graphic design, social communication, business administration, and law, among others.
Website: https://www.uac.edu.co/
Universidad Metropolitana
The Metropolitan University is a private Colombian higher education institution, specializing in health sciences. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs in medicine, bacteriology, nursing, nutrition, dentistry, and optometry, among others.
Website: http://www.unimetro.edu.co/
Universidad Libre
Private Higher Education Institution that offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in medicine, law, accounting, and industrial systems engineering, among others.
Website: http://www.unilibrebaq.edu.co/
Universidad Simón Bolívar
Simón Bolívar University, also known as Unisimón, is a higher education institution located in Barranquilla. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs.
Website: https://www.unisimon.edu.co/
Universidad de la Costa (CUC)
The Universidad de la Costa is a private higher education institution located in the city of Barranquilla. It offers undergraduate and graduate programs such as engineering, marketing, advertising, psychology, law, and architecture, among others.
Website: https://www.cuc.edu.co/
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
The Sergio Arboleda University opened its headquarters in Barranquilla with professional, undergraduate, and postgraduate university degrees. Law, social communication and journalism, digital design, business administration, marketing, and international business, industrial engineering, psychology, and sports management, among others.
Website: https://www.usergioarboleda.edu.co/barranquilla/
Universidad del Atlántico
The Universidad del Atlántico is a public, departmental, public, mixed research university, based in the city of Barranquilla. It has a faculty of engineering, legal, human and economic sciences, education, and architecture, among others.
Website: https://www.uniatlantico.edu.co/uatlantico/
Sena (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje)
The Sena is a public establishment of the National order with administrative autonomy. They offer free training to millions of Colombians who benefit from technical, technological, and complementary programs that focus on the economic, scientific, and social development of the country, enter to strengthen the productive activities of companies and industry, to obtain better competitiveness, and higher results in different markets.
Website: https://www.sena.edu.co/es-co/Paginas/default.aspx
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