las mejores pizzerias de barranquilla

The most recommended pizza places in Barranquilla

Pizza is one of the most popular and delicious dishes in the world. Barranquilla has a variety of pizzerias and restaurants that offer pizzas for all tastes, flavors, and budgets.

Below we show you the list of the most recommended pizzerias in Barranquilla according to their style.

Traditional pizza places in Barranquilla

These are the most popular and traditional pizza places in Barranquilla. They are the ideal restaurants to go to with the whole family.

Pizza hot – Punto múltiple del sabor

Salvatores Pizza

Bernnys Pizza


Pizzeria The Meeting Point

Nonna Rosa 

Pizzería del Hotel del Prado 

The Hotel del Prado opened its pizzeria with years of tradition. Children will enjoy an outdoor park with a soccer field and pleasant spaces with gardens full of history.

Caprichosa pizza

Gourmet pizzas in Barranquilla

If you are looking for more elegant and exclusive restaurants to taste pizza, these are the recommended ones.




La Piazzeta

Mia Italy

La Diva


Nena Lela

American pizza places in Barranquilla

If what you are looking for is traditional American pizza, the following pizzeria franchises have arrived in Barranquilla.

Pizza Hut

Domino’s Pizza 

Papa John’s 


Healthy and FIT Pizza in Barranquilla

If you are in the fit wave, but you want a pizza with ingredients with fewer calories, these are the options that you find in Barranquilla.

Healthy food

Fit choices

Caprichosa Fit

Did we miss any other pizza place to add to the list? Contact us.

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