The best swimming lessons in Barranquilla
Swimming is a skill that almost everyone should learn to do. It’s one of the most important things you can teach your child, and it can also help keep people safe around water. Swimming has been shown to greatly increase the chances of survival if unexpectedly found in deep water. We recommend that all children take swimming lessons as soon as they are old enough, and it is recommended that all adults know how to swim. Below we show you the different academies in Barranquilla that offer swimming classes.
Water Town
At Water Town swim school, children learn in an indoor pool that is warm at 32°C in a respectful and fun way. You will feel proud to see your child happy and safe in the water!
93 Street # 42F – 145.
Swimming instructors for home classes in Barranquilla.
Eduardo Movilla swimming school
52 years of experience teaching babies, children, and adults to swim. Certificate United States Swim School Association USSN – Level V Fecna. Cra. 54 # 59-229.
Red Cross Colombia
The Aquatic Training Center of the Colombian Red Cross offers swimming classes. REGISTRATION OPEN: 300 527 4879 – 317 637 1819. Calle 65 No. 34-33 – Barranquilla, Colombia
We teach swimming with love and fun. Swimming classes for all ages in Barranquilla. Calle 85 N°64-30, Centro Italiano of Barranquilla
Swimming is very beneficial for your child’s health, learning about the importance of learning to swim and taking swimming lessons can also be very beneficial for your child’s future.
- Children who can swim are less likely to drown than non-swimmers.
- Children who learn to swim early will be more interested in participating in sports when they are young.
- Swimming is a good cardiovascular exercise that helps improve your child’s motor skills and endurance. li>
- Swimming also improves your child’s strength and flexibility while improving her self-confidence; this can give you a better self-image that will last well into adulthood.
Swimming is also an activity that can be enjoyed throughout life. Swimming is also a great activity for those who are retired as it helps improve their health and mobility.
If we missed any other swimming academy in Barranquilla, write to us.
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