The best stratum 5 neighborhoods in Barranquilla
The best stratum 5 neighborhoods in Barranquilla are located in the north and historic center of the city. In the stratum 5 zone of Barranquilla, you will find a wide variety of buildings, both new and old, residential houses, commercial houses, and closed complexes.
The stratum 5 housing in Barranquilla in relation to the prices of taxes and public services is a little cheaper than the stratum 6 but the difference is not much since both contribute to the lower strata.
The stratum 5 zones of Barranquilla are next to stratum 6 and 4 and you can enjoy the proximity to shopping centers, public parks, commercial places, restaurants, schools, and banking areas. The stratum 5 zone is highly desired by people in Barranquilla.
The houses located in the El Prado and Bellavista neighborhoods are located in an area declared a historical heritage of the city. There are buildings protected under the range of typological conservation and others as historical heritage. This classification represents a special treatment in the collection of property tax and a subsidy in the collection of public services.
Neighborhoods stratum 5 in Barranquilla
Neighborhood Prado
The Prado neighborhood is where the history of Barranquilla is found. You can appreciate large houses or mansions with very beautiful historical architecture. The houses in the old meadow have the benefit of being historical heritage. In the Prado neighborhood, you find a combination of commercial premises and residential mansions.
Location: Calle 75 to 53 with Carrera 50 to 60.
Reference sites: The Prado Hotel, The Immaculate Church, The Simón Bolívar University.
Villa Santos
The Villa Santos neighborhood is a mixture of new and old buildings. You find houses and buildings. It is a very residential area, quiet and beautiful.
Location: Cra 47 to 51B with Calles 96A and 110.
Reference sites: Villa Santos Park and Villa Santos Boulevard, the Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús church, the GHL Hotel, the Grand Boulevard Shopping Center.
San Vicente
The Barrio San Vicente is an interesting mix of residential and commercial buildings. You find the health and education sector.
Location: Calle 90 – 84 between Cra 47 and 53
Reference sites: Autonomous University, La Enseñanza School, Iberoamericana Clinic
Los Nogales
Los Nogales is a residential neighborhood with many houses.
Location: Cra 42 and 42B between Calle 83
Reference sites: Caridad del Cobre Church, Caracol Radio
El Tabor is a residential neighborhood where mostly you find houses.
Location: Calle 93 and 96 between Cra 45B and 42B1
Reference sites: Near Sao de la 93
Other neighborhoods of stratum 5 of Barranquilla are:
- Nuevo Horizonte
- Ciudad Jardin
- Andalucia
- La Campiña
- Granadillo
- Villa del Este
- Los Alpes
- La Concepción
- Altamira
- La Cumbre
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