Radio Stations in Barranquilla
In Barranquilla you find different options of stations to listen to on the radio. There are a variety of different types of radio stations that cater to different audiences in Barranquilla.
These are some of the most popular types of radio stations in Barranquilla:
- Romantic stations
- Electronic music, hip-hop, and reggaeton stations
- Rock, pop, Anglo, dance, and disco stations
- Stations Crossover, salsa, tropical music
- Vallenato stations
- News stations: radio talk shows about current events, politics, and other topics.
- Stations Sports Stations: Broadcast live games and talk shows about sports.
- Religious Stations: Play religious music and talk shows about faith.
The most popular radio stations in Barranquilla
88.6 FM Besame Radio
Bésame Radio Barranquilla is a station that plays romantic music.
Live radio: https://www.besame.fm/
89.10 FM Tropicana
Tropicana la más bacana, is a station focused on young and adult audiences. It plays varied music, salsa, merengue, and vallenato.
Live radio: https://www.tropicanafm.com/
90.1 FM Caracol Radio
Caracol radio is a news, information, music, sports, opinion, and humor station.
Live radio: https://caracol.com.co/
92.1 FM Olímpica Stereo
Olímpica Stereo is the station that puts you to enjoy. With good music, lots of humor and good prizes they entertain their listeners every day as their motto is “Olímpica Stereo pays for debts- (Paga las culebras)”.
Live radio: https://olimpicastereo.com.co/
93.1 FM La Mega
Motto “The Mega hits you to the sky.” La Mega listens to news about Colombian entertainment, urban music, and crossover.
Live radio: https://www.lamega.com.co/
94.10 FM Universidad Autónoma Radio Cultural
Cultural station of the Autonomous University of the city of Barranquilla that is characterized by the production of cultural content programs, and audience profiles with universal access.
Live radio: http://unicafm.co/
95.1 FM Radio Uno
What do I listen to a lot!?, Radio Uno is the one! Go up, go up! Popular, vallenato, and tropical music station.
Live radio: https://www.radiouno.com.co/
96.1 FM Radio Tiempo
Radio Tiempo station all the time has a crossover musical programming of the urban genre, Latin pop, and popular, news and entertainment.
Live radio: https://www.radiotiempo.co/
96.7 FM Radio Plenitud Stereo
Radio Plenitud Stereo is a religious station at the service of the community, allowing communicative spaces to find answers to basic needs such as physical, spiritual, emotional, and family.
Live radio: https://www.plenitudstereo.com/
97.6 FM W Radio
News from Barranquilla, Colombia, and the world: interviews, international, economics, politics, and sports. Find out on W Radio with Julio Sánchez Cristo.
Live radio: https://www.wradio.com.co/ciudades/barranquilla/
98.6 FM La Reina
La Reina is the station of the vallenato. You will find Latin, folkloric, and vallenato music, a discussion of popular news, and contests with real prizes.
Live radio: https://lareinadelvallenato.co
99.1 FM Rumba Stereo
The station plays music from different tropical genres such as salsa, merengue, and vallenato, among others. Live radio: https://rumba.rcnradio.com
100.1 FM Blue Radio
Find in BLU Radio the news from Colombia and the world about sports, current affairs, technology, politics, and soccer.
Live radio: https://www.bluradio.com
103.9 FM Uninorte FM Stereo
We are an alternative for the audience of the Colombian Caribbean and the world, with a program of classical music, jazz, rock, Caribbean, and world music.
Live radio: https://www.uninorte.edu.co/web/uninorte-fm-estereo
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