Mattress stores in Barranquilla
If you need to buy mattresses in Barranquilla, the offer of mattresses is wide. You can find mattresses of all sizes, prices, and materials.
Remember that the choice of a mattress depends on the user’s needs. Take into account the following characteristics to compare your mattress in Barranquilla:
- Sizes: standard mattress sizes are single (100 x 190), double (136 x 190), queen (150 x 190), or king (200 x 190).
- Materials: there are mattresses on the market made of memory foam, latex, memory foam, HR foam, or springs. It depends on the material chosen is the transpirity. Barranquilla is a city with a hot and humid climate, therefore you should take into account that the most efficient and breathable mattresses for heat are those made of Viscoelastic and springs.
- Firmness: We can find firm or soft mattresses
- Type: there are orthopedic, semi-orthopedic, Anti-decubitus, water, inflatable, futon, or Asian mattresses.
Here are the mattress stores in Barranquilla:
Colchones Comodisimo
Colombian company with 45 years of experience, more than 140 salesrooms throughout the country, the leader in the mattress market. We remain at the forefront with the latest technology in products for the health, comfort, and rest of families, with high international quality standards.
- Calle 76 No. 48 – 119 Local 2
- Calle 77 No. 70 69
- Calle 84 No. 52 – 80 Local 1
- Centro Comercial Único Local 63
- Centro Comercial Viva Local 324
- Centro Comercial Portal del PradoLocal 114
- Centro Comercial Buena Vista 1 local EAC2
Website: https://www.comodisimos.com/
Colchones Pullman
AMOBLANDO PULLMAN is a company with 80 years of experience in the manufacture and commercialization of furniture, mattresses, and home linen. PULLMAN has been a pioneer in the mattress market, we were the first to manufacture and market spring mattresses in Colombia.
- Calle. 77 No. 67 – 37 detrás del Zoológico
- Cra. 38 # 70B 177 Local. 202A
- Centro Comercial Carnaval Local 1123
Website: https://www.pullman.com.co/
Colchones Spring
100% Colombian company with the oldest mattress factory in the Colombian market. Eco-friendly, since we use natural fibers that allow extending the useful life of the mattress. A vertically integrated mattress company that allows us to incorporate cutting-edge technology into all our processes.
- Calle 84 No. 53 -21 local 101 Barranquilla
- Centro Comercial Único local 55
- Calle 77 # 62- 28
- Mall Plaza Buenavista
Website: https://www.colchonesspring.com.co/
Americana de Colchones
Americana de Colchones is a leading Colombian company in the manufacture and commercialization of mattresses and products for health, rest and comfort, which generates economic development opportunities for more than 5,000 people, directly and indirectly in the country.
- Calle 84 # 52 – 81
- Calle 76 # 49B – 22
Website: https://americanadecolchones.com/
Colchones Paraiso
We are a 100% Colombian company, with 52 years of experience in the manufacture and commercialization of solutions for rest, staying at the forefront in the national market, thanks to constant innovation in our products and we guarantee efficient coverage, in Currently we add more than 230 points of sale nationwide.
- CALLE 110 No. 9 G -390 Avenida Circunvalar
- Calle 76 # 48-77 Local 2
- CRA 49 B N° 76-229 Local 101
- Calle 77 No 60-05
- Calle 82 # 46-58 Local 10
- Centro Comercial Único Outlet Local 127
- Calle 30 # 17-141
- Calle 30 No. 8-11
- Cra. 28 No. 58-148
Website: https://colchonesparaiso.com/
Colchones Zabra
At Industrias Zabra S.A. We are committed to the production and commercialization of spring mattresses and foam mattresses whose characteristics satisfy the needs of the market in terms of quality, comfort, and safety, under the support of our experience and trajectory and offering an adequate quality/price ratio.
Almacén: Calle 30 # 20 – 200
Website: https://www.zabracolchones.com.co/
Colchones Romance Relax
The highest quality foams. That is the promise that the Espumados Group fulfills. This conglomerate has three main business lines: Industrial production of flexible polyurethane foam, the strategic furniture unit, and the strategic mattress unit. These last two units work under the Romance Relax trademark.
- Calle 110 No. 9G – 520 Av. Circunvalar Km 7
- Calle 77 # 62 – 67
Website: https://www.romancerelax.com/
Colchones el Dorado
We are a Leading Company in innovation, in the Knowledge of the Art and science of rest and good sleep with MYSTIC FOR WHAT IT DOES AND RESPECT FOR WHAT IT OFFERS.
- Calle 84 # 52 – 35
Website: https://colchoneseldorado.com/
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