How to get the Tarjeta de Identidad in Barranquilla?
These are the indications of the necessary procedures and some practical advice, to process the identity card, “Tarjeta de Identidad”, for the first time.
1. Make an appointment
You must schedule an appointment to process the “Tarjeta de Identidad” by entering the registry page https://agenda.registraduria.gov.co/agenda/index.php
Tips to get the appointment from the “Tarjeta de Identidad” :
- Choose in the option of “Type of current document – Tipo de documento actual” civil registry – “Registro civil”. Remember that if you are going to take out the identity card, the current document of the child is the civil registry.
- Enter the link at 8:00 am sharp. At this time new appointments appear, therefore you will have a greater chance of taking a turn.
- The appointment scheduling is FREE. You should not pay any intermediaries.
- You must have an active email is an essential requirement because there they will send you the confirmation of the appointment and later the digital password. If you don’t have an email yet, create one first.
- You must have a cell phone number as they request it at the time of scheduling the appointment.
- Check the address of the registrar’s office closest to you to schedule the appointment. See list below
2. To attend punctually on the day of the appointment to the chosen registry office
Tips for the day of the appointment:
- The child must wear a dark shirt, T-shirt or blouse, to comply with the quality parameters of the photo.
Get to your appointment early to avoid missing it. - Remember that they only attend the person who requested the appointment, the shift is not transferable.
- Take the email you received with the appointment confirmation on your cell phone or printed. This can be requested at the time of approaching the Registrar’s Office.
- Check well all the information written by the official to avoid errors in the identity card.
3. Pick up the “Tarjeta de Identidad” at the same registry office as the appointment
Tips for collecting the “Tarjeta de Identidad” :
- Check in this link if the document is ready so you don’t waste time: https://wsp.registraduria.gov.co/estado_docs/documento/consultar/
- When they give you the document, check well before leaving all the information written on the identity card. If there are errors they should be corrected immediately.
Frequently asked questions to get the “Tarjeta de Identidad” in Barranquilla
What are the registries in Barranquilla to obtain the “Tarjeta de Identidad” ?
Calle 100 No. 12F-57 Town La Paz
Cra. 8A No 45 – 09 Town Ciudadela July 20
Calle 24 No 7 -07 Locality Las Nieves
Calle 77 No. 58-68 Floor 1 Location Villa Country
Cra 51B No. 90 – 69 Locality Riomar
Cra 43 No. 44 – 02 Special Registry of Barranquilla
When should I get the “Tarjeta de Identidad” ?
The identity card must be processed when a Colombian has reached the age of 7.
How much does it cost to get the “Tarjeta de Identidad” in Barranquilla?
If it is the first time, the scheduling of the appointment and the processing of the document is completely free. If you are going to request a duplicate, rectification, or renewal, you can check the rates here: https://www.registraduria.gov.co/-Tarifas-vigentes-.html
What documents are required on the day of the “Tarjeta de Identidad” appointment?
You must present a copy of the birth certificate. An officer takes your photo, captures fingerprints, and information from biographical and biometric data.
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