How to get the RUNT for the first time in Barranquilla?
Getting the RUNT for the first time in Barranquilla is very easy. Below is the information on the steps to process the RUNT easily and simply in Barranquilla.
- Attend the appointment with the citizenship card
- Pay in cash the value of $22,900 (value 2023)
How to make the appointment for the RUNT in Barranquilla?
ALBA (whatsapp number) is disabled. They are only taking face-to-face shifts at the headquarters of Paseo Bolivar Calle 34 No. 43-31.
During the RUNT registration appointment
- You go to the indicated window where you deliver the ID and they register the QR of the appointment.
- Then the official calls you who asks for your identity card, takes a photo of you, takes your fingerprints and signatures.
- You continue to the box where you must cancel $22,900 pesos in cash.
- You take the payment receipt to the official and you remain active in the RUNT.
What is RUNT?
The RUNT Single National Traffic Registry is the system that allows the registration, management and maintenance of updated, centralized, authorized and validated information on the National Automotive Registry, National Registry of Drivers, National Registry of Public and Private Transport Companies, Registry National Registry of Transit Licenses, National Registry of Traffic Violations, National Registry of Automotive Education Centers, National Registry of Insurance, National Registry of Natural or Legal Persons, Public or Private that Provide Services to the Public Sector, National Registry of Trailers and Semi-trailers , National Registry of Traffic Accidents, National Registry of Agricultural, Industrial and Self-Propelled Construction Machinery, among others, in accordance with the provisions of articles 8 and 9 of Law 769 of 2002 and article 11 of Law 1005 of 2006 .
Where can I check if I am enrolled in the RUNT?
Visit https://www.runt.com.co/consultaCiudadana/#/consultaPersona to see if you are in the RUNT.
Do we need to add more information about the RUNT? Contact us.
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