clases de yoga barranquilla

Best yoga classes in Barranquilla

If you are looking for the best yoga classes in Barranquilla, here you will find the best. Yoga instructors offer a variety of classes to meet your needs, whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi. Begin your journey to inner peace by practicing yoga.

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that involves physical, mental, and spiritual disciplines. It is designed to promote harmony between body and mind and to create a state of inner peace. Yoga has been shown to be beneficial to overall health, including reducing stress, improving flexibility and range of motion, and increasing strength and endurance.

Benefits of yoga

Yoga has numerous benefits for both the body and the mind. Physical benefits include increased flexibility, range of motion, and strength, as well as increased energy and circulation. Mental benefits include reduced stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as better focus and concentration. Yoga can also help create a sense of inner peace and harmony.

Ananda Marga Colombia

Self-realization and service to humanity. Yoga in Barranquilla.

Yoga Caribe

I study yoga. We are a family of yogis. Hatha yoga and meditation. Group, personalized and business sessions.

Tita Bolivar

Feel better than ever. virtual yoga and pilates.

Yogacorazon – Maria Laura Pizza

Certified Yoga Teacher – Sivananda International – Rainbow Kids – Mindfulness

Hot Yoga

Hot Yoga, Ashtanga and Stretch classes

Ganesh Yoga

Balance your body and mind. Seek the peace that your soul longs for.

Are we missing a yoga class in Barranquilla? Contact us.

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